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Palace Wood

Primary School

From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Year 5



Class Teacher: Miss Hughes

Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Griffiths 


Class Teacher: Mrs. Fullagar 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Chilton

Forest School and P.E. take place on Wednesdays this term.

Reading records: Signed and given in every Friday

Homework: Atom to be completed by Friday in addition to Spelling Shed and TTRockstars being available for children to practice during the week as well. 

Term 6

Hello and Welcome to Term 6!

With a theme this term on ‘Health’, we will be exploring this in many ways throughout our subjects. English will involve us reading ‘The Boy in the Tower’, a deeply thought provoking and thrilling story. In English we will have the chance to create free verse poetry (with an opportunity to perform), as well as writing our own story inspired by our text of the term. We will continue to use various writing devices. In maths we will be focusing on the topics of geometry and number as well as measurement. This will cover shape, position and direction, decimals, negative numbers, as well as units and volume.


As our theme for the term is ‘Health’, in history we will be exploring the NHS, delving into life before the NHS and what life would be like in the UK if one day it disappeared. In art this term we will be studying the work of Edvard Munch – with a particular focus on ‘The Scream’. We will then create our own art inspired by Munch. In PSHE we will be exploring the topic of ‘puberty’, learning adults and children’s views. Then, looking at recognising what appropriate touch is. Coding efficiently will be our focus for computing in term 6, eventually, developing on to learning friction and functions, as well as strings. In french we are looking at descriptive vocabulary and sentences for family related topics such as naming different family members and recognising familial phrases. Science will involve us learning about forces as well as irreversible changes. We should make some interesting discoveries as we conduct egg experiments! In music we are learning musical terminology, listening to choirs around the world and creating music on garage band. PE lessons will center on tennis with Coach Ky and Athletics.