From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Pupil Leadership
At Palace Wood we are proud to have a Pupil Leadership Team.
We have a very active Pupil Leadership Team (PLT) made up of children elected each year by the previous PLT from Year 1 to Year 6. Prospective candidates for leadership posts have also been interviewed by the PLT and the children have also been able to answer questions from candidates about our school. Pupil voice is taken seriously at our school and ideas and suggestions from the children help shape the school plan.
The PLT meet weekly and then hold follow-up class meetings to share ideas and feedback on actions.
Each member has an ambassador role which represents different areas of the school. They are linked with the teachers responsible for that subject area.
The team meet once a week on Friday lunchtimes when possible. Acorns team members meet with the oak team members twice a term to discuss topics and share pupil voices and opinions. Acorns team members are responsible for the pupil voice suggestion box and handing these over to the oak leadership team.
The pupil leadership team produces a termly newsletter that is for the children and written by them. This will include interviews with adults in school and pupils, an advice section, highlights from the term and an ‘in focus’ topic that they have worked on.
The Pupil Leadership Team are able to help and support with other roles within in the school community such as, assembly monitors, lunchtime buddies, fundraising events and pupil surveys.
The Pupil Leadership Team is led by Mr Burnett, Assistant Headteacher.