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Palace Wood

Primary School

From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Sports Blog

Here at Palace Wood we have a passion for sport. See the reports below for a selection of what we have been up to:

Sports Day 2024 - Compassion (Red) House Wins!

Sports Week 2024 - 8th - 12th July



SPORTS NEWS 2023-2024

Term 5

Term 4

Term 3

Term 2

Term 1






Winners of the South Regional Finals!  Wembley Stadium here we come!  (Reported on Maidstone Utd official webpage).

U11's Girls Football - South East Regional Finals March 2023

Year 1 All Stars Cricket - March 2023

U11's Girls Maidstone Schools Mini World Cup WINNERS! February 2023

Infant Agility Event - February 2023

Year 5 Badminton Event - January 2023

Year 6 Sportshall Athletics Event - December 2022


Year 6 Cross Country Competition - October 2022


Maidstone Schools Mini World Cup Tournament September 2022


Academic Year 2021-2022

KS1 and KS2 Commonwealth Games Festival June 2022

Girls Football Tournament June 2022

Maidstone and Malling Tennis Festival June 2022

Cricket Tournament May 2022


Virtual Sports Award, September 2020

Palace Wood have been award a School Games recognition award for our work towards the Platinum School Games Award in 2019/2020. Unfortunately we were not able to complete our work towards the Platinum Award due to the national lockdown but we hope to work towards it as soon as restrictions allow. 

We have also been awarded a Virtual School Games Award for our work during lockdown to keep the children active such as Chatley Challenges and our Virtual Sports Day.  Well done Team Palace Wood!

Netball Tournament, July 2019

On Thursday, 9 girls from oaks attended a netball tournament at Ashford Rugby Club. At first, we were not very confident in our selves as we lost our first match. As the day went on, we grew confidence in ourselves and won some games. If we lost a match we would still be happy with our selves because we had fun playing. We all tried our best in every match. We all played really well, as a result of that we came 4th out of 8 teams.

Tennis tournament, July 2019

At the tennis tournament we were all excited as not all of us had a lot of experience and some of us had not played for a while. We all wanted to get started straight away so we started practising and getting our shots over the net. When it got to the actual matches we were all quite nervous. But after a while we started to get the hang of it.

The matches                                                                                

Some of the games were more challenging than others but it was all good fun and everyone had a good time. At the end of the day everyone got better and it was a good experience.  The year fives and the year four (Henry, Simeon and James Roots) still have another year or two to go back there and try again with hopefully some other children who want to play some tennis.      

Hockey Finals, June 2019
On Tuesday 18th June, a group of year 5&6 students went to Holcombe Hockey Club for the Kent Hockey finals. This team was made up of Ollie C, Jack G, Finn, Simeon, Abi, Amelia Ca, Freya, Bella H and Chloe. Unfortunately, the competition was tough as we lost 4 of our 5 games; we showed excellent teamwork and perseverance paying off in our last game which we won 5-1. As Chloe rightly pointed, out we are the best school at hockey in Maidstone.       

Cricket tournament, June 2019

On 17th June, some Year 5 and 6s took part in a cricket tournament. Mr Tree and Mr Fullagar took us. As the competition progressed, our skills improved. We had a great time and won some games and lost some too.

Rapid Fire Cricket, June 2019

Last week, girls and boys from key stage one played in a rapid fire cricket festival. Rapid fire is a simpler version of cricket, played without bowlers. The children all had tremendous fun throwing, catching, batting and running. I hope that this will develop into a passion for cricket. I would like to give a special thank you to the parents; these events cannot run without your support.

Don’t forget to tune in to the cricket world cup, which is running until the 14th of July. Highlights can be found at

Rainbow Run, May 2019

What a success last Thursday’s Rainbow Run was! The weather was absolutely glorious, and the planning couldn’t have been better. The children came out in their classes to run around the field, with various paint stations along the way. What was evident throughout the whole event was the enjoyment on the children’s faces. They absolutely loved the experience, so much so that we had to stop some of the children from continuously running around the field! As we mentioned on the sponsor form, we had some professional photographers attend to take photos, and they too were blown away with the enthusiasm of the day. They have taken some amazing photos and a separate parentmail will be coming out today with details of how to access and buy any photos that you want to. Please remember that this was a sponsorship event. We hoped to have all of the sponsorship forms in by today. If you haven’t brought yours in yet, please could you bring it back in the first week after half term. Thank you for your support.

Tri-golf, May 2019

As we looked around to see what we had to do, we started to practise on Bullseye, using your chipper to score points. The next course you had to strike the ball over the set of cones into a circle. The following was Finders Keepers. The next one was my favourite. You had to hit the ball as hard as you could but tried not to get the ball over the white cones. Moving to the next one was a lot of fun. It was Tunnel Ball. The last one was amazing too. It was called Going for Green – we didn’t do too well on this one, but we enjoyed it. We gathered up for the presentation and found out our position. We came 5th out of 8 groups. Allington came 1st and got through to the finals representing Maidstone. Well done to them.

Handball, April 2019

Handball Tournament On 19th April, twenty children from Year 6 went to a Handball competition at Maidstone Hockey Club. The B team unfortunately did not make the semi finals. Team A however did make the semi finals, but unfortunately lost in a penalty shoot out. We all had a lot of fun and were glad we had the chance to go.

Hockey, March 2019

On 19th March, pupils from Palace Wood went to a hockey competition. The Year 3 and 4 team consisted of Oliver, Evan, Max, Sadie, Tilly and Amy. This team came third out of 16 teams,which was very good. We were able to enter two teams into the Year 5&6 competition. The B team consisted of Molly, Imogen, Daisy, Caitlin (who was willing to play up a year), Riley, Josh, Zack and Alfie. This team worked incredibly hard throughout the tournament and played some excellent hockey. The A team consisted of me, Jack, Finn, Simeon, Abi, Amelia, Chloe and Freya. This team ended as tournament winners and will now go on to the Kent finals to represent Maidstone against other regions. A very big thank you to Miss Sargent, our hockey teacher and coach,who supported us at the competition. The whole team gave a super effort and played really well for each other.

Squash, January 2019

On Tuesday, Tilly and Henry (Panthers), Caitlin and Olivia (Leopards), Max (Crocodiles) and Evan (Monkeys) represented Palace Wood in a squash tournament at Mote Park Squash Club. We all worked really hard, had lots of fun and tried our best during the activities. There were 7 teams there and we came 4th. Thank you for taking us Mr Tree. By Tilly.

Walking to school, January 2019 

Why not make one of your New Year Resolutions to walk to school more? Both the Global Gladiators and the School Council have got together and they have decided that they want to promote walking to school more as part of a healthy lifestyle. Rather than run it by class, this year, it will be run as a house competition weekly- totalling up the number of children in each house. To make sure it is as fair to all children, they have come up with the idea that we do it on different days each half term. This term will begin from Monday - called March on Mondays.
One of the main reasons for relaunching this initiative is to encourage the children, and
the parents, to embrace a healthier and greener life. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be sending out further information to emphasise the importance of parents parking away from the school and walking in. The reasons fall broadly in to three categories: 
1) Healthy benefits for children - time to interact and get the blood flowing 2) Safety 3) On the back of data from clean air campaign it is frightening the level of poor quality air around schools. To this end the children/parents will be asked to park away from the roads near the school entrances on Talbot Road, Maple Avenue and Ash Grove.

Basketball Finals, November 2018

On Tuesday 28th November, 7 children: Ollie, Jack, Finn, Alfie, Danny, Chloe and Imogen went to the Basketball finals. There were four teams there. Our first match was against Eastborough and was a very close and feisty match. We lost by one point, but fair play to Eastborough – they were a good team. Our second match was against St Michaels but we lost by two points on his match. Again, St Michaels played well. Our third and last match was a good one. We beat Headcorn 16 points to 9. We came third out of the four teams there, but this meant that we were the third best school in Maidstone. Report by Ollie and Jack
Athletics Tournament, November 2018 

On November 27th Year 5/6 sent a team to a Sportshall Athletics competition that was held at Maplesden Noakes school. Twelve other schools competed.  There were many events including relays, standing triple jump, vertical jump, speed bounce and javelin. The boys team came first in the 1+1 lap relay and the girls won the over and under relay. The competition lasted for 4 hours. We all had a great time and were worn out by all the fun events that we participated in. Overall we think we did well. What a great experience. Report by Amelia and Arlene

Kent School Cross Country Event, November 2018

On Saturday 17th November, me, Henry, Ewan and Kate went to the Kent Schools Cross Country Championship at the Detling Showground. We got there an hour early so we could put on our timing chips and race numbers. We also walked the course so that we would know where to go. 
Finally, it was time for our first race, Year 4 boys, my race. I lined up with the other boys for the race to begin. When the starting horn sounded, we all set off. I finished 9th out of 170 children. 
After my race, it was Kate’s turn to race with all the other Year 4 girls. Kate finished a very good 73rd out of 164.
Henry and Ewan’s race was a little later on. Henry came 21st and Ewan 74th out of 156. It was a good day and we all had fun. Report by Freddie – Leopards
 Girls Football Tournament, October 2018

On Monday 8th October 2018 a group of Year 5 and 6 went to a football tournament at K Sports academy. It was a hard competition but we worked hard and played well as a team.  Scores: Brunswick VS Palace wood = 0 - 0 East Farleigh VS Palace Wood = 0 – 2 Palace Wood VS East Borough = 1 – 0 Palace Wood VS Roseacre =  0 – 0 Palace Wood  VS West Borough = 1-1 We played really well as a team and as a school  , we were all proud of our team and hope we progress as a team in the  tournaments to come  Mollie and Abi

Football Tournament, October 2018

On the 2nd of October, eight children from year 5 and 6 took place in a football tournament at Cobdown, which is known as Ksports home ground. We played the first match against East Borough and got a good result of 1-1 when Ted scored an equaliser. We kept cool heads and then drew against West Borough 0-0. After that, we played Lenham with a great result of us winning 1-0, Flynn scoring a penalty. Our next game was against East Farleigh winning by 5 goals to 0. Next we played Roseacre and won 1-0 - what a result for us! Then, we played Holy Family and we won by 1 goal to 0. After we played St. Johns in the semi- final.  Unfortunately, our winning streak fell apart and we lost 1-0.  Next we were in the 3rd and 4th play-off and lost 3-1 to Roseacre. Ted, Flynn and Ethan

Cross Country, September 2018 

Oaks children gave their best at the Cross Country tournament on Wednesday last week. Attended by most schools from Maidstone, Palace Wood were very competitive at Mote Park. A second place finish in the girls’ year 3 and 4 race was followed up by winning the boys year 3 and 4 race. Palace Wood also placed highly in both girls’ and boys’ year 5 and 6 races. All children who raced represented Palace Wood with pride. Yrs 3&4: Max, Evan, Kate, Poppy, Freddie, Noah. Yrs 5&6: Leo, Simeon, Noah, Freya, Ethan, Ewan, Jamie, Henry, Dylan, Finn

Gold award, July 2018 

For the past two years, the school have been awarded the Gold Award for School Games Mark. After a very rigorous application process again, we have been awarded the Gold Award again. This is a tremendous achievement and reflects the diversity of sport we offer to the children here, and how well they do when representing the school. Well done to everyone involved, especially Miss Ridout who worked tirelessly on putting the application together and ensuring we had the evidence to support another Golden application!

Mini World Cup

On Friday the 8th of June, a football team of girls and boys competed in a Mini World Cup. It was held at the Gallagher Stadium, home of Maidstone United. Our team was Nevaeh from Panthers; Ava, Diya and Owen from Rhinos and Urban, Charlie and Kai from Hippos. Nobody scored against Palace Wood in the group stages thanks to some solid defending. The team dominated their early matches, seeing us through to the knock out matches with two wins. A close Quarter Final didn’t quite go our way, ending in a narrow loss. The team that beat Palace Wood made it all the way to the final, losing on penalties. A big thank you to all the parents for their support, which kept the team going on a red-hot day.

Kent School Games Tag Rugby Festival, June 2018

 On Wednesday 20th June, a group of Year 5 and 6 children represented Palace Wood in a tag rugby festival. We all had great fun! The Year 6 team had 5 wins, 2 draws and 1 loss. At one point we won four games in a row! The Year 6 team were the winners of the 'Team work' award. Year 5 played really well too; they had 5 draws and 2 losses. They were awarded 'Passion'.

Kent School Games Cricket Competition, June 2018

On Monday, the Year 5 and 6 cricket team went to a cricket tournament at Mote Park. We played lots of matches against really good teams. In the group stage, we won 2 and lost 1. This led us to the quarter finals, but we unfortunately lost. However, we continued to play matches for the rest of the afternoon to find out our final position. We finished 8th out of 18 schools. We all played the best we could and had a great day. Thank you to Mr Tree and Miss Ridout for supporting us. By Charlie Wright

Year 2 Cricket Competition

Some of our Year 2 children represented the school in a Rapid Fire Cricket tournament. They performed extremely well, and the organiser of the competition had these kind words to say about all of the competitors: I was impressed not only at the skills on display but also at the way your players demonstrated the spirit of cricket, by playing with such a good level of respect for their opponents!

Netball Competition, June 2018

On Monday, the Year 6 netball team attended a tournament at Greenfields. The team played really well together and finished second in the group stage. This saw us through to the quarter-final. It was a really tight 1-1 draw right until the last minute or two. Boughton scored two goals quickly at the end of match and so we lost 3-1. Mrs Gibbons and I have really enjoyed coaching the children this year and they were a pleasure to spend the afternoon with. Well done team.

Kent School Games Tennis Tournament, May 2018 

Years 3 and 4 were invited to enter a team in the Mini Red Tennis Festival at Penenden Heath. After some coaching, Palace Wood’s tennis doubles started their matches. Henry from Monkeys was paired with Cindy from Leopards, whilst Simeon and James were paired from Panthers. In the gruelling heat, the pairs played 13 matches each across the day, playing their best until the end of the last fixture. Palace Wood finished third overall, a superb result.

Kent School Games Tri Golf Tournament, April 2018 

On Tuesday afternoon we played round a circuit of 8 different golf games at Tudor Park. To play we used putters and drivers. Putters are for hitting short distances and drivers are for chipping longer distances. We thought ‘bullseye’ and ‘dominoes’ were the hardest games. In ‘bullseye’, we had to hit the bottom of the ball to chip it and score points on a target. It was really hard not to hit the top of the ball! In ‘dominoes’ there was only one small target to hit. As we played each game we learned how to use our clubs better for each shot. We really enjoyed a game called ‘drive for show, putt for dough’, because it made us use both clubs which was great.  Most of our team had not played golf before, but we had fun and hope to play again! By Imogen (Panthers) and Arlene (Leopards)

Netball News

Many of you will have seen the exciting Commonwealth victory of the England Roses netball team over world number 1 Australia. As a keen netballer myself, I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about youth netball in Maidstone. Firstly, for any girls in Y5/6 inspired by the Roses and interested in playing netball, Maidstone and Malling League run youth training on Sundays 10- 11:30 for £2. It’s at Aylesford Rugby Club on the netball courts. No need to book, just turn up. Many of my ex-Palace Wood netballers play or have played in these sessions and I highly recommend them. They are a great opportunity to have fun, make friends and improve your netball. I have also included a poster for Wealden netball club try outs in case any girls are interested in this. Both Wealden and MMNL Youth are great opportunities to take netball the next level and progress into the adult league - I have one of my ex-pupils in my team. Finally, you may have noticed the brand new netball post on the Year 5&6 playground. Thank you so much to Vicki from the Friends and Mr Gravenell for organising and installing the new post. Please help us keep the posts in good condition by ensuring children don’t swing on them. Miss Ridout

Aqua Splash, March 2018

Not to stop at four events this week, children from Year 1 to 6 attended an Aqua Splash Festival on Wednesday. The children had a great me taking part in races and water challenges. What has been lovely at all of these events is the sportsmanship and team work that the children have demonstrated.

Kent School Games Hockey, March 2018

On Tuesday morning, our Year 3/4 team played in the quicksticks tournament at Lenham School. This was the first me the children had played together as a team and they worked really hard. They had 2 wins, 2 draws and 2 losses. On Tuesday afternoon, the Year 5/6 team had their quicksticks tournament. They stormed through the group stage winning all five matches with goals from Will, Jack, Finn and Marnie. The defence was also strong as the children didn’t concede a goal! The semi-final was against Park Way, which Palace Wood won 4-0. The final was against a very strong Egerton, which we lost 1-0. It was a fantastic performance from the whole team. The Year 5/6 team had their second tournament of the week yesterday. Another valiant effort saw them only concede two goals to Loose who won the tournament.

Hockey Tournament Our team battled in a hockey tournament against multiple schools. It was a difficult competition as all the teams were very tough. We battled hard and played very well. We didn’t let in any goals and won all our games in the group stages. We placed first in our group stage then managed to win against Parkway in the semi-finals which meant we made our way into the final. In the final we played Egerton, who were a phenomenal side and managed to keep the score 0-0 until they managed to get a goal. We almost scored, but they were able to defend all our attacks, so unfortunately we didn’t succeed in winning the final. But everyone enjoyed it and had a lot of fun! Finn, Jack, Will and Marnie all scored us; Charlie, Ava, Freya and Anna did a lot of good defending and passes through to our attackers. Massive thank you to all the adults who came to support and encourage the team, we couldn’t have done it without you. Written by Charlie and Finn

Kent School Games Girls' football, March 2018

Last Friday saw our girls’ football team take part in the Maidstone Schools’ Tournament at the Gallagher Stadium.3 wins, a draw and a loss saw the girls make it to the quarter-finals, where they faced Wateringbury. The team put on a brave performance, losing 1-0 in extra time.

On the 17th March 2018, a group of 9 girls competed in the U11 girls’ tournament at the Gallagher stadium in Maidstone. They faced 6 incredible teams and lost two, drew one and won three. Every member of the team massively contributed to our performances: Poppy - who was good in defence and tackling other players. Abi D- who was incredible in defence and marking other players. Abi Uwho was outstanding in defence and throw ins. Mollie - who was amazing in goal and pulled off many great saves. Diya - who was amazing all round and scored three goals. Ava - who never stopped running and scored a penalty. Victoria - who was amazing in attack and stealing the ball. Nevaeh - Great at putting other players under pressure so they made mistakes. Amelia - Who defended well, and followed instructions when we really needed it. The team had a great time at Gallagher Stadium. They managed to get through to the quarter finals but then unfortunately got knocked out by Wateringbury in extra time, who later won the competition. Thank to everyone who came down that day to give your vocal support, we couldn’t have done it without you. Written by Mollie and Abi U

Sports Relief (approx. £285 raised today)

It’s been a busy week this week to celebrate Sports Relief. Each day the children have parcipated in ‘Daley’ Challenges set by Tom Daley. These have included basketball, hula hoop and a boogie challenge! We have also been running extra miles—by next Friday, across 4 weeks, we will have collecvely run/ walked 4,078 miles from Palace Wood to Ghana. Children have also been learning about healthy eang and designing healthy lunchboxes. It has been great to see so many children dressed as sportsmen and women today donang money for Sports Relief.

Hockey, March 2018

Last night, the Year 5 and 6 hockey club headed over to Maidstone Hockey Club for some friendly matches. It was a great opportunity to practise against some different opponents. We drew our first two matches 0-0 against Loose and Roseacre. Our final game was a 3-0 win against Coxheath. Well done to all the children who took part.

Squash & Cricket, February 2018

This week saw the final sessions of squash and cricket for two year groups which have been happening since Christmas. Year 4 have been receiving squash lessons from Mote Squash Club every Wednesday, and on Fridays Year 6 have had cricket coaching from Kent County Cricket Club’s scheme – Chance to Shine. The children have really embraced these sessions and have enjoyed learning new skills and trying something new. I know that the coaches have found working with our pupils here at Palace Wood a rewarding experience. We look forward to working with Chance to Shine and Mote Squash Club again in the future. We are constantly looking at ways to enhance our pupils’ sporting experiences and have more coaching for other sports lined up this year.

Dodgeball tournament, January 2018

Dodgeball Tournaments This week, Years 2, 4 and 6 took part in three dodgeball tournaments at the YMCA in Loose. The children worked really hard in each tournament showing great time work. Lots of fun was had by all – we finished 2nd in both the Year 2 and 4 tournaments and 1st in the Year 6 tournament. Well done to all of the children who took part. Special shout out to Max Acott in Year 2 who I have heard was the top scorer all day, until beaten by a Year 6 right at the end! Thank you to all our parent supporters and Mr Fullagar for accompanying the children.

Year 2 2nd place

Year 4 2nd place

Year 6 1st place

Kent School Games Basketball tournament, November 2017

On Wednesday 29th November, the Palace Wood Basketball team participated in the Maidstone Basketball tournament. The team worked so well together and I was impressed with the basketball skills they displayed. With some lovely interceptions, strong defence and nice shots in attack, they had great wins against North Borough, Greenfields and St Johns. Their only loss of the day was against tournament winning East Borough. All in all, a fantastic effort. Well done team and thank you to our large parent and sibling fan base! Miss Ridout

School Games Gold Kitemark Award

Palace Wood has once again achieved the Gold School Games Mark award for their commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport in 2016/17.  As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas of participation, competition, workforce and clubs, and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year. We look forward to applying once again in 2018! 

Skipping festival, November 2017

On Thursday the 2nd of November, 21 Palace Wood students across years 1-4 attended the skipping festival in Aylesford Secondary School. Whilst here they participated in fun and exciting games and learnt new skills that they’ll hopefully be showing the rest of us back at school. Thank you to Aylesford School for inviting us to an excellent event and learning opportunity.

School Games Sportshall athletics, October 2017

On Tuesday 31st October, children from Years 5 and 6 took part in an athletics tournament at Mote Park. There was a wide range of both track and field activities, and everyone who participated in the tournament had a lot of fun. We ended up coming 7th out of the 11 schools that entered. The challenges were very hard but we were very happy to finish 7th.

School Games Boys' Football Tournament, October 2017

On Tuesday 10th October we went to New Line Learning to compete in a football tournament. We played 10 matches we won 3, drew 6 and lost 1. Overall we played extremely well because the matches were only 5 minutes long. The team we brought was Ben, Urban, Ollie, Jack, Ted, Charlie Wright, Owen, Flynn and Kai. We scored 4 goals in the whole tournament. Charlie Wright`s goal was a screamer from the half way line. The other three goals were scored by Kai (two) who was the top scorer and Jack, whose shot went in off the bar. In one match Owen and Flynn hit the post about 5 times, it was really exciting. Every single member of our team performed their absolute best. We were very unlucky, as we should have won most of the games that we drew 0-0.
Unfortunately, we didn’t get enough points to qualify for the semi-finals, as we came 3rd in our group out of eleven. We were very grateful for the support we had from our parents, and to NLL for putting on a fantastic tournament.  Report by Urban

School Games Girls' Football Tournament

At the football tournament we played extremely well and the teams we played against played really well too. We won one, we drew two and we lost two but we still scored an amazing goal, Paris scored with the help of the rest of the team. Abi was brilliant in goal and Poppy was great at defence and Victoria in Year 5 and Amelia were excellent at tackling. Emma and Victoria in Hippos did some fantastic passing, Ava and Diya in Rhinos did some brilliant dribbling and tackling too.
The referees were great but there was some confusion with a few of the decisions that cost us an unfortunate goal. The team was pleasantly surprised that we drew with Roseacre as they are a tough team and beat us last year. We had some excellent support from the parents cheering us on and we wish to thank New Line Learning for putting on a great tournament.
Report by Abi and Poppy

Cross Country

A huge well done to everyone who represented Palace Wood in the Cross Country in the rain on Wednesday this week. All children put in a fantastic effort. Kate and Freddie were the fastest Year 3s in the Year 3+4 races.  The results were: Year 3/4 boys 2nd, 3/4 girls 4th, 5/6 boys 3rd, 5/6 girls 1st.

 School Games Sports Day, June 2017

School Games Tag Rugby, June 2017

On July 1st, PW took part in a nail-biting tag rugby festival.  The first game, we won.  Then our winning streak continued until our fifth game.  There was some excellent rugby played by everyone.  The main aim of the festival was to show the different school games values (teamwork, determination, passion, self-belief, honesty, respect).  We were very proud to win the Respect Award as chosen by the umpires.  Thank you Aylesford Bulls Rugby Club for orgainsing, Mr Saunders for coaching us and Miss Ridout for taking us and supporting us on the day.  Report by Harvey

School Games Hockey Kent County Final, June 2017

When we arrived at the Kent Hockey Finals we got given a blue Maidstone t-shirt to wear as we won the Maidstone round.  We had to pair up boy-girl and have 2 defenders, 2 attackers and 2 subs.  Every 5 minutes a hooter went off to say we had to rotate position.  Our first match we lost 2-1 and I scored.  After our next match against a very good team, we were so hot and we were happy to find shade! Our next match was a 2-2 draw with goals from Finn and Tom.  Our last match was very tight.  I scored a hat-trick but we lost 4-3. Miss Ridout went over to see if we got through to the afternoon stage.  We did! Our final match was against Thanet.  They beat us 2-0.  We had a really great day and we were excited to have represented Maidstone at the Kent Finals.    Report by Jack

School Games Cricket Tournament, June 2017

On Tuesday 20th June, we went to a cricket tournament at Mote Cricket Club. When we got there we were a little bit nervous but when we got onto the pitch we felt more confident about playing against other schools.  Our first match was against Loose which was a tough start.  They won the whole tournament which was well deserved.  Afterwards we played Greenfields and Headcorn.  In these games we got some good runs and catches.  Our final match was against Tiger Primary.  We were really proud of winning our first cricket match in the tournament.  Every individual person played well and we enjoyed our day out using the cricket skills we have learnt at cricket club. Thank you Miss Ridout.  We wish Loose good luck for the Kent Final.  Report by Charlie

School Games Hi 5 Netball Tournament, June 2017

On Wednesday, our A and B Netball teams went to a mixed netball competition. Both the A and B teams played incredibly well. The B team worked really hard and came 3rd in the Plate and the A team managed to play the whole competition without losing a game, and so were crowned as winners of the tournament. Miss Ridout has been an excellent coach and helped out up umpiring
too. Report by Poppy

School Games Tennis Tournament, June 2017

OAA, May 2017

School Games Tri Golf Tournament, May 2017

Beat the Goalie, Fundraising Day for The Royal Marsden and Great Ormond Street, May 17th 2017

Thank you so much for everyone who contributed to the Fundraising Day on Wednesday last week. Through the nonuniform, the cakes and the ‘Beat the Goalie’, we were able to raise £826.70 for the two charities. Thank you very much for your support.

School Games Netball Tournament, May 2017

On Thursday 18th May, the Year 5 and 6 netball teams took part in the girls’ netball tournament in Aylesford. It was a tiring three hours but we had lots of fun. Even though it started raining, that didn’t stop us from playing. It was a great afternoon and Palace Wood came a creditable 5th. The A team played really well and showed excellent sportsmanship. The B team also gave a great account of themselves, with goals scored by a range of people. Report by Jessica and Sophia

'Thank you so much to the large group of parents and grandparents who supported us the whole afternoon in the torrential rain. A massive well done to the girls. You were so supportive of each other and your constant smiling whilst playing in the rain was really lovely to watch. You made me really proud. Well done, girls.’Miss Ridout

Cricket Day Out, April 2017

On Thursday, members of the cricket club were able to go and see how the pros do it, as we had some tickets to see Kent against Hampshire in the Royal London One Day Cup. Throughout the day, there was a carrossel of activities, including rapid fire and crazy catch.  At the end, Kent’s total score was 258 all out; however, Hampshire scored 260 with 6 wickets to spare! Great fun was had by all. 

Alternative Olympics, April 2017

We had a go at four different sports: dodgeball, ultimate frizbee, boccia and tri-golf. They were all new sports that we’d not tried before. The morning consisted of coaching sessions and then we had to decide who was going to compete for us in each sport. Marnie and Ava did boccia, which is like bowls but for disabled people. Then we all competed in dodgeball, which was extremely fun. After that, Amelia, Freya and Paris competed in the tri-golf competition.  When we had finished golf, it was time for ultimate frizbee with Urban, Owen, Kai, Ollie and Charlie playing – we won every match.  We had designed a poster at school to unify Palace Wood and the Olympics.  This counted towards our total points on the day and our poster won.  All of the results were counted up and then they announced the winning school was PALACE WOOD.  We went to collect our medals and our trophy.  We were all really excited that we had won.  By Freya and Urban 

School Games Hockey Tournaments, March 2017

The Year 3 and 4 children were crowned Maidstone Champions! 

Year 3 & 4 Hockey Tournament report by Finn

On Tuesday the 28th March three boys and three girls from year’s 4 and 5 went to play in the Maidstone Schools hockey tournament.  We were drawn in group A and had to play six other schools. The first match we played in our group we won 4-0 against Greenfields blue with myself scoring two, Jack scored one and Frankie scored one.  We were off to a great start.  The next game was against Westborough which we won 3-0. It was a great team effort with some excellent passing, defending and running back.  We then played Greenfields red and knew that this would be a tough game but the team stuck together and carried on playing well and we won 2-0.  Headcorn were next and again we put in all our effort and won 2-0.  Unfortunately, we lost the next game against Madginford after a quick break from them; however, we came back strong in the next game and won a wopping 6-0 with Amelia scoring her first goal after coming out of defence.

We had a tense wait to find out if we were in the semi-finals to our relief we were.  We were very, very nerves as the opposition looked like a really good side! With the Year 5’s and 6’s watching and cheering we held the team to a 0-0 draw with Tom doing some excellent tackling.  The pressure was on as it was golden goal. We had a nervous moment as they scored but it was from outside the D so it was disallowed. A quick hit by myself to Jack up front and he went on to score the winning goal. YES we had made the final.

We couldn’t believe we had done so well.  The match started and Mr Fullagar was very nervous and excited and continued to shout instructions.  The first goal came from myself to put us in the lead.  Sadly, they came back and scored, but we weren’t going to let them win. There was some more great defending and tackling by the team with Alisha making some important tackles. After a quick hit in by myself and pass to Jack he scored and then the final hooter went off, we had WON.  We were CHAMPIONS. We are now looking forward to the Kent finals in June. 

Thank you to Mr Fullagar for his team management and Miss Ridout for training us.

The Year 5 and 6 children came 5th and 6th out of 18 teams. 


Hockey training with Olympic Gold medalist, Susannah Townsend, March 2017

On Friday 24th March, our school hockey club was coached by Team GB Gold medalist, Susannah Townsend.  The session was amazing. Susannah gave us lots of top tips.  We especially enjoyed the game where we weren't allowed to talk! She was a really inspiration to us and we would like to thank her for giving up her time to coach us. 

Football Tournament at Maidstone United! by Harvey Lee, March 2017

Friday 10th March saw a mixed group of boys and girls heading for Maidstone United Ground to play in a football tournament with the winners going through to the next round and a chance to then play at Wembley….no pressure!

St John1 -2 PW         

West Borough 0-0PW

Archbishops Courtney 0-7 PW

Semi Finals

Roseacre 0-1PW


Greenacres 1-0PW on extra time

Game 1:

The line-up is as follows: Harvey playing in goal, a defensive partnership of Urban and Freya. Charlie and Vinnie running the midfield and at striker Callum. The game played against St Johns was a tight game. It was a real test. Palace wood started well going one nil up. St Johns kept fighting and almost immediately bagged themselves a rebound goal but thanks to the great support we got the win by another goal provided Callum.

Game 2:

A slight change up with the team. Harvey still in goal, Ava and Urban at the back. Charlie and Owen in the middle and Callum up front. Even though it was nil nil it was very exciting. It was a game with chances left right and centre. The win could’ve gone either way.

Game 3:

This is what the team sheet reads. Urban in goal, Harvey and Freya in the defensive roles. Charlie, Vinnie in the midfield. The soul striker in the hands of Own Our last game was an absolute goal fest. Callum bagged a goal in the first seconds. Vinnie followed up almost instantaneously. The 3rd goal scored by Harvey. The next 4 goals were shared evenly between Owen and Charlie. A very good performance.

We were exhilarated to be in the final four and mainly not to be going back to school! Who was playing us was decided by penalty shootout. It was Roseacre who lost, meaning they would play us.

Game 4:

Harvey starts in his usual position, Vinnie Charlie in the midfield and Callum at striker. The semi-finals was underway. Chances were handed out yet not taken. Everyone was exhausted, there was 2 minutes to go. Charlie ran down line. The mums cheered. A pinpoint cross found the clinical left boot of our striker. It was a lovely clean strike of our striker’s weaker foot. The ball flew into the top right hand side corner. We were In the Final

Game 5:

It was the big one Palace wood versus Greenfield, a match guaranteed to be spectacular match. It was Harvey to start in goal, Charlie and Vinnie to run the midfield and Callum at striker. The crowd cheered and intensity filled the air. The whistle blew and we were off. The crowd roared. Greenfield fairly dominant into the first half but nothing Harvey couldn’t handle. It was a tale of two halves and we had chances that were agonisingly close. The whistle was blown and we were tied. Extra time it was and Greenfield after 4 minutes had scored through their number 11. And it was over. Green field would move into the finals at Woking.

 We may have lost but I’m proud to say that I played with a team bursting with talent. I firstly want to thank Mr Fullagar for giving us such a lovely opportunity. Thanks to all the mums we couldn’t have done it without you. And also to the Maidstone youth team for refereeing.

Football Tournament by Josh and Ava, March 2017

On Wednesday 8th March, a team of Year 5 children went to a football tournament at Invicta Grammar School. In the tournament we played seven games: Goudhust (1-0 win), Paddock Wood (0-0), Wouldham All Saints (3-1 win), Lunsford (0-0), Brunswick (1-0 win), East Borough (1-0 win) and Archbishop Courtney (3-0 win). Everybody did really well – there were lots of good goals from Owen, Charlie, Josh, Ollie and Kai; Urban
did a great goal line clearance and Ben did some fantastic saves so we only conceded one goal. We had a really good day and came second in the tournament!

Girls' Football match, January 2017
On Thursday 19th January, the Year 5 and 6 Girls Football Team (Annalise, Madeline, Freya, Ava, Diya, Victoria, Abigail, Emma and Paris) played Roseacre. Although we lost 2-0, it was still a fridnly match and taught us new skills and how to play a competitive match. Both teams showed great sportsmanship and enjoyed the game. Report by Victoria and Abigail

Bollywood, January 2017
What an amazing few days we had to start this week off. We were visited by KalpeshZalavadiya who came to visit Palace Wood for another year. We thought that when he came last year, that it couldn’t be topped, as we had such an amazing time. We were wrong! Over the two days, he spent time with every class, teaching them different dances, one a Bollywood themed dance, and one a traditional Indian dance. The children absolutely loved it and picked up the routines so quickly. They all did so well that we knew that we would just have to share it with you all, so on the afternoon of both Monday and Tuesday, the children marched out onto the playground to strut their stuff in front of you all. Not finished there, Kalpesh wanted to get EVERYONE dancing, so around he turned and showed all of the parents the dance moves too. It was lovely to see so many of you all joining in, and having such a great time – I’m sure it counted for a cardio workout or a few hundred Fitbit steps too!
To make the most of the days, we took the opportunity to find out more about the culture and practices of India. We had opportunities to taste food, learn about festivals and find out about another country. Most of all, we were able to celebrate diversity. Everything was such a success that we even made the papers!

Year 4 Mini Squash Competition, January 2017
We started a bit late but that didn’t matter.  The first activity involved you having a ball and you had to roll the ball at some cones. If you hit the cone, you get the cone and bring it back. The school with the most cones at the end wins. The next activity was where you had to walk with the squash ball on the racquet without dropping it. we then did the same, but bouncing the ball on the racquet. Next was the rally, where you had to hit the ball off the wall. The last one was called squicket which involved the bowler having to
throw the ball off the wall for the batter to hit it. It was a very fun afternoon. Thank you to Mr Fullagar for taking us. Ollie, Jack, Finn, Connie, Abigail and Poppy.

School Games Basketball Finals, December 2016

The 'A' basketball team have had a busy week: on Monday they played a friendly match against Park Way School and, after winning their heat a few weeks ago, Tuesday saw them play in the Maidstone and Mid-Kent Basketball Final. The children played really well in both, scoring some good baskets and intercepting some good balls while defending. They won their match against Park Way and came 3rd in their group at the tournament on Tuesday. Well done to all of the children. You made Palace Wood proud.

School Games sportshall athletics, November 2016

Change4Life Workshops for Year 3, led by our Year 5&6 ambassadors

Volleyball workshop and matches, November 2016

Wednesday 23rd November was a busy day for Palace Wood sport.  Children from Years 2 to 6 took part in a wide range of activities throughout the day to learn volleyball skills.  The day started with Year 2 testing out their skills with a balloon and ended with Year 5 and 6 having matches with other schools on a volleyball court.  Well done to all the children who took part.  

Football Match against Roseacre, November 2016

On 17th November, Palace Wood played a friendly against Roseacre. Both teams played very well. Palace Wood won 4-0. Callum scored two goals with the help of Vinnie and Owen also scored a great individual goal. Even though Roseacre played well, they unfortunately scored an own goal. Sam had a good chance of scoring, but he accidently missed by a few metres. He played ever so well. Palace Wood played really well even though Roseacre were very competitive. The team would like to thank Miss Ridout and Mr Chatley for their support, Mr Fullagar, our manager, for believing in us and all the parents who came along to support us. By Vinnie (Hippos)

School Games Basketball tournament, November 2016

On Monday 14th November, Palace Wood A and B basketball teams played in the Maidstone basketball tournament at St Augustines. Both teams started extremely well winning both of their first two games. The A team's winning streak didn't end and they ended the tournament undefeated, qualifying for the Maidstone and Mid-Kent final on December 6th. The B team played some tough teams in the following games and finished 4th in their group. Well done to both teams. A special mention to our three Year 5s who competed against many teams made entirely of Year 6 with amazing determination and skill! Thank you to all our family supporters. Your encouragement is always much appreciated. 

School Games Girls' football tournament, October 2016

On Tuesday 18th October Palace Wood sent 8 girls from Year 5/6 to compete in a tournament. Many of the girls have never played football competitively. Regardless, they showed no fear against far more experienced opposition and all tried their absolute best, even coming away with a 1-0 win over host team Greenfields.  The goal was scored by Freya F and assisted by Paris W but it was a brilliant effort from the whole team to win the match.  Unfortunately, despite their bravery and effort, we weren’t able to progress to the semi-finals. The sportsmanship from the girls was exemplary as well as their encouragement to each other when things didn’t go so well. Well done girls! You’ve made Palace Wood extremely proud. 

Change4Life Conference, October 2016

On Tuesday morning, 15 Year 5 and 6 pupils attended a Change4Life conference at the County Show Ground.  One school from each area of Kent was chosen to attend - we were really proud to have been selected for our dedication to school sport.  Change4Life is a public health programme run by the NHS. It uses the slogan "eat well, move more, live longer." 

The morning started with a healthy living quiz.  Urban and Charlie W won a water bottle for their knowledge (rather embarrassingly, they beat me and many other teachers from other schools! This was the killer question - which has more sugar a regular can of coke or a regular bag of skittles? Ask Urban or Charlie for the answer, although I won't get it wrong again!) During the rest of the morning, our ambassadors took part in a range of fitness and healthy eating workshops which they are looking forward to showing the rest of the school.  They will be starting with their assembly on sugar at the start of next term.


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Inflatable Fitness Challenge, October 2016

On Wednesday 12th October, our team of eight Year 5 and 6 children took part in the inflatable fitness challenge.  This was great fun and the children did extremely well.  We were the first school of the day so we had to wait to hear how we had placed.  We were excited to receive the email which said that Palace Wood were the fastest Year 5 and 6 team of the day with Alfie and Elizabeth being the fastest finishing boy and girl respectively. Well done team! 

School Games Football Tournament, October 2016

On Tuesday the 11th of October, Palace Wood played in the 7 a side boys tournament at Swadelands school. In the tournament we played four matches: East Borough, Boughton Monchelsea, Loose and Senacre Wood. In our group we ended up with four points, which sadly wasn’t enough to qualify to the later rounds. Every one of our players tried their absolute best, and we played well enough to desrve to win every match. The collective team effort was phenomenal as well as the sportsmanship; every game was finished with handshakes for every player (teachers included) and three cheers for the opposite team.

Well done boys! You did the school proud.

School Games Cross Country, October 2016

Wednesday saw the first of our competitive sporting events of the year - cross-country.  30 children headed over to Mote Park from Years 4 to 6. Running with around 200 other children per race, the Palace Wood team did incredibly well.  A special mention to our fastest runners who placed in the top 40:

Ethan Sephton in Year 4 came 4th in the Year 3/4 boys' race

Harvey Lee in Year 6 came 12th in the Year 5/6 boys' race​

William Lower in Year 4 came 17th in the Year 3/4 boys' race

Ava Acott in Year 5 was our fastest finishing girl, placing 27th in the Year 5/6 girls' race​

Finn Holmes in Year 4 came 31st in the Year 3/4 boys' race

Charlie Wright in Year 5 came 37th in the Year 5/6 boys' race

Well done to all of the children children who took part; it is a great achievement to have completed a cross-country race. 

Palace Wood awarded GOLD!

Well, it’s official. We are delighted that Palace Wood have been awarded School Games Mark Gold Award! Well done everyone!

School Games Mark Gold Award

School Games Sports Day, July 2016


Kent School Games Netball, Kent Final, June 2016

Yesterday, our Maidstone Champions headed over to the University of Kent, Canterbury for the School Games Kent Netball Finals. There were 14 teams in the tournament and we were divided into two groups. We played against six regions of Kent in the group stage, including Canterbury, East Kent Coastal, Sevenoaks, Gravesham and Ashford. The team played exceptionally well and demonstrated what diverse, talented netball players they are. Winning the group meant that we headed to the semi-finals. This was a great game and the team were totally in their stride. The final was against Medway. The team raised their game yet again, winning 4-1 and crowning us Kent Champions! I am so proud of this incredible achievement. As a keen netballer myself, I was so impressed with the beautiful way they played together as a united team, supporting each other and ensuring that the whole court was used effectively. It was lovely to be approached by two other teachers, an umpire and a tournament official about the fair play that our children demonstrated and to say how lovely it was that they were always smiling. Well done Sam, Nhyira, Anneka, Mia, Olivia, Andrew and Ashwin - KENT CHAMPIONS! I particularly enjoyed your Bollywood 'Jai Ho' celebration dance inspired by Monday's workshop! Thank you to our parent supporters for cheering us on throughout the day.


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Bollywood Dancing Workshop, Cultural Celebration, June 2016


School Games Olympic Celebration Day, June 2016

Last Thursday, as well as our class photographs, the whole school celebrated Olympic Day. This was an opportunity for us to really think about and work on the Olympic values. This is from Year 6: The three pillars of Olympics are ‘move’, ‘learn’ and ‘discover’. As part of Olympic Day for Year 6, there were three activities to represent these three words. Firstly, we used the netbooks to discover information about the Summer and Winter Olympic Games; we learnt a great deal. Next, we represented ‘move’ with a great game called ‘goal ball’. This is to teach us what it would be like to play a sport if you were blind. It was extremely thrilling and difficult! Finally, we learnt different sports in French and made a poster. We all enjoyed Olympic Day very much.


Cricket Schools Day Out, June 2016  


Kent School Games Cricket Tournament, June 2016

On Monday, the Year 6 cricket team, captained by our very own Kent county cricket player, Abishek, headed off to the Maidstone Kwik Cricket Tournament. Despite the rain, we had a great day and the team gave the best cricket performance Palace Wood have delivered since I arrived here. The day saw some lovely catches, excellent running, great bowling and, most importantly, fantastic team work. Overall, we won 4 games and lost 2. Well done, team. Thanks to the parent spectators.


EUROS Football Tournament, June 2016

On Friday 10th June, the Year 6 football team took part in a Euros Football Festival organised by Maidstone United and PASS. The day began with the drawing of our country - the children all cheered as Sam pulled our home nation, England, out of the hat. The team played exceptionally well in the group stage, beating Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine comfortably. Our hardest game was against Wales, which, due to Wales' outstanding goal keeper, ended as a 0-0 draw. We finished top of our group and headed to the top 16. Another great win against France led us to the quarters. Wins against Belgium and NI meant we reached the final against Austria (Allington). The team played exceptionally well and, thanks to a great goal from Harvey and a very solid defence, we won the Euros festival! Our success continued during the presentation and closing ceremony - Jay Saunders, the manager of Maidstone United, had spent the day at the tournament and chosen a 'player of the tournament'. We are so proud to say that Sam Wright was awarded this. Well done, Sam. Unbelievably, it didn't stop there. A speech was made to say that the umpires' fair play trophy had been a unanimous vote - Palace Wood. I have never been at a tournament where the overall winners also win the fair play so this a real credit to the children. It was a real team effort and every trophy was well deserved. A special mention must go to the girls, Anneka and Mia, who played every minute of every game on a very hot day! Look out in the KM for photos and full news story this week. 


Kent School Games Netball, June 2016

On Wednesday 8th June, the Palace Wood mixed netball teams attended the Maidstone and Mid Kent high five netball tournament. This tournament requires children to play on a set rotation where they play all different positions - shooting, defending and centre court. Both teams worked exceptionally hard and showed what talented and fair sportsmen and women we have at Palace Wood. The B team won two matches and lost two in the group stages, ending third in their group. The A team stormed through to the semi-finals, winning this match 3-0. Their success continued with a 2-1 win in the final against Eastborough - an extra well done to Sam and Olivia who kept calm as the shooters in this final match, scoring a goal each. We are delighted to now represent Maidstone and Mid Kent at the Kent Final later in June. Well done to all of the children who took part and thank you to all the very supportive parents who attended.  


Football Match vs Brunswick 8-0 win, May 2016

In what has been an incredibly busy term for sport, we had our final football fixture of term 5 last night with a friendly against Brunswick House. The team made sure that they signed off this term with another impressive win. Our Year 6 footballers showed great skill throughout, keeping a clean sheet and scoring some fantastic goals, leading to a full-time score of 8-0. Well done. Thanks to Brunswick for hosting and all our parent supporters.


School Games Netball News, May 2016

On Friday 13th May, the girls' netball team attended the Maidstone 7 a-side tournament at Aylesford Rugby club. The girls played three games in their group. With a win, loss and draw, they placed 2nd in their group which wasn't quite enough to get to the final. However, the girls represented the school well, demonstrating lovely team work and fair play. Well done, girls.

Yesterday the mixed netball teams played at Brunswick House. They played exceptionally well with some fantastic goals being scored. The matches ended with the A team winning 24 - 0 and the B team winning 11 - 1. Well done to both teams.  


Kent School Games Quick Sticks Hockey, April 2016

This week saw our hockey teams in action at Swadelands secondary school. First was the Year 3/4 team. Although missing one of their players through sudden illness (get well soon William), the rest of the team stepped up to take on the challenge. After a loss in their first game (1-0) against Madginford the team then had 3 games on the trot, and what games they were. Scoring a massive 8 goals during those games, our only Year 3 (Finn from Monkeys) was on fire. With Freya from Panthers also scoring goal we won the next three games, 3-2, 3-1 and 3-1. Our last game was a loss meaning we were kept waiting to see if we made it to the semi-finals. Unfortunately we didn't, but the team were amazing and played some outstanding hockey. Well done to all of them - Charlie, Anna, Ava and of course, Finn and Freya. The afternoon saw the Year 5/6 team in action. And if we thought the Year 3/4 were good ... the Year 5/6 team were simply phenomenal! Winning their first game 7-0, their second game 4-1 and their third game 5-0 it was hard to see if anyone could stop them. Their hardest game in the group stage was against East Borough, but some amazing play saw them win that 4-2 which meant a semi-final place. A win in the semifinal against West Borough meant the final. And what a final! With the score at 1-1, it meant extra time. After not one, not two but three periods of extra time the team lost to a golden goal. It was a difficult way to end an incredible afternoon. The team played amazingly well and plenty of coaches commented on just how good a team they were. They should be commended for their team work, courageous play and amazing hockey skills. 


Kent School Games Tag Rugby, April 2016

We had the annual tag rugby event this week. Invicta Panthers run the event for 20 primary schools across Maidstone at New Line Learning Academy. The first half of the afternoon was in a league format with our school playing against Wateringbury and Holy Family. After some fantastic rugby, amazing turning and weaving by Charlie, super-fast running by Daniel and Anneke and some amazing overhead catches by Max we made it into the quarter finals. Unfortunately we didn't make it through to the semi-finals. The team were amazing and another coach and other supporters remarked on how well our team held their heads up and stayed positive even when decisions were not in their favour. We are extremely proud of the way they conducted themselves throughout the competition.

Netball Match v Roseacre, March 2016


Football tournament, March 2016


Kent School Games Gymnastics, March 2016


Kent School Swimming Championships, February 2016


Kent School Games Basketball - Kent Finals, February 2016

Yesterday, our Maidstone champions went to Medway Park to play in the Kent Basketball finals. We had a great day, with some fantastic team play, swooping goals and well deserved wins - beating Tunbridge Wells, Dover, Shepway and Canterbury. The standard was high and the top of the group was incredibly close, goal difference placing 2nd to 4th with 1st place only being one point above the three of us. We placed 4th in the group and played the 4th placed team from the other group. This went down to a golden basket (high pressure!) and we finished 8th overall. The team were a real asset to the school and upon their question 'did we do Maidstone proud?' I answered 'most definitely, yes!' Well done to Abishek, Archie, Ashwin, Andrew, Anneka, Sam and Nhyira. Thank you to the parent supporters - it was lovely that so many of you were able to attend

School Games Sports Hall Athletics, January 2016


School Games Sports Crew Announced, January 2016

Although we have had no competitions this week, we have some fantastic announcements. We have a newly launched ‘Sports Crew’ of Barney Howarth, Luke Sutcliffe, Ben Bruford, Cate Hammond, Freya Fishwick, Anakin Busst, Katie Barnard and Madeleine Choat. They will be helping out with some school activities for the children so watch this space.

Kent School Games Basketball tournament Round 2, December 2015

On Tuesday 1st December, Palace Wood returned with the A and B teams who had qualified from last week to the Maidstone to the Kent Basketball finals. The competition was played as a round robin series of matches, with each team playing 6 matches each. The A team confidently won all of their matches which meant that they reached the final, which they won against East Borough. The B team also performed fantastically and won the Bronze medal. The only matches that our B team lost were to the Palace Wood A Team and East Borough, the two teams in the final. We are all incredibly proud of both of the teams. In all, there were over 30 teams who took part in the qualifying tournaments so to have two finishing medallists in the Maidstone finals was excellent! The A team will now represent Maidstone in the Kent final in February. Thank you for the amazing number of supporters and for the B team who stayed to cheer on the A team in the final. All of the children individually played incredibly well but their success was down to how they came together as a team.

Gills FC Football tournament, November 2015

On Wednesday 25th November, Palace Wood entered a team of 8 children from Year 6 into a football tournament run by Gillingham FC. The club were looking for the best school team in Kent to represent Gillingham FC at the Regional Finals of the Football League Kids Cup taking place in March 2016. In total, there were 36 teams at the event and Palace Wood won their group which included 5 other teams to make it to the quarter finals. Unfortunately we lost this game 2-0, but the boys showed exceptional team work and sportsmanship throughout. They did their coach and school very proud! I would also like to say thank you to all of the parents who stayed to cheer us on till the end.

Basketball Tournament, November 2015

On Tuesday 24th November, Palace Wood entered three teams of children from years 5 and 6 to The Maidstone Schools Basketball Competition. In total, there were 18 teams at the event, and Palace Wood performed fantastically. Overall, they won 13 of the 15 matches that they played, and the top 5 teams in the tournament contained all 3 of the teams from Palace Wood. As a result of this, 2 of the teams have qualified for the next round which is next week. The referees commented on the sportsmanship of the children and how well they played as a team, especially their excellent passing. 

Football Tournament, October 2015

On Monday, the newly formed school football team participated in the first football competition of the year. After winning all of their group games, the team of Daniel, Harvey, Abishek, Andrew, Max S, Kofi, Harry, Sam, Max W and Ethan went on to win their quarter final and semi-final, putting them in the final against a strong Boughton Monchelsea side. Despite dominating the final with excellent possession football, the match ended 1-1, mainly down to the inspired display by the opposition goalkeeper. And so it came to penalties. Unfortunately, the ‘keeper was showing no signs of being beaten, and managed to keep our players’ penalties out.

However, the boys were an absolute credit to the school and themselves, congratulating the other team, and being magnanimous in defeat. Everyone was very proud of what they had achieved, effectively going through the whole tournament unbeaten. 

Cross Country, October 2015

Over three dates, 35 children from Palace Wood have taken part in cross country races at Mote Park. This annual event attracts well over 400 children from across schools in Maidstone. The children are split into 4 groups, boys and girls and years 3/4 and years 5/6. The groups set off on a long run across different areas of the park, following a runner. The year 3 and 4 children ran 1km this year with year 5 and 6 running 1.5 km. The event is hard and tough and all our children did fantastically well in completing each of the three races. Brilliantly behaved as always, our runners who have done the event in previous years were ready and fully aware of how hard the races can be, but a special well done must go to all the year 3 children, as first time cross country runners, they all did amazingly well