From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Year 1
Term 3 2024-2025
Conway Class
Mrs Gallie (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday am)
Mrs Doyle (Wednesday pm, Thursday, Friday)
Ash Class
Mrs Francis
Mrs Childs - Tuesdays
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Burchill, Mrs Moule, Mrs Hagger, Mrs Le Sager & Mrs Barden
PE Days - Term 3 will be Mondays (gymnastics) and Fridays (Dance)
No Forest School this term.
Term 3
Happy New Year and welcome back to Year 1 2025! We have a jam-packed term ahead focused on the title of 'Navigation' and here is what's in store!
At the start of the term, we will be thinking about navigation and look at London in the story ‘The Queen’s Hat’ We will also explore the journey of The Snail and the Whale as well as the fox in the story ‘The Chicken thief’. Maths will continue to explore numbers to 20, including understanding the place value, doubles and near doubles, addition and subtraction, number bonds and estimation. In Science, we will be looking at the Human Body and the 5 senses we have that help us to navigate our environment. We have an exciting new DT project to research, design, make and evaluate our own toy car using wheels and an axle to make it move. Find out more about what is to come on our termly overview below.
Are you working towards your 25 reading band? Or maybe even your 50 reading band? Well done to the children that have managed to read 25 days this term. We look forward to getting more again in Term 3.
In Term 3, our book change day will be on a Friday! Please make sure your child has their zippy wallet in school on this day so that they can change their book. If your child does not bring their previous book back, we cannot hand out a new one.
It is now getting closer to the Year 1 National Phonics Screening check in June. If you are looking for a resource to support your child at home, try this pack of flash cards. You can purchase them on Amazon for around £10. You can play lots of fun games to get your child reading at home.