From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Year 3
Welcome back to Term 3. We hope you had a wonderful Christmas break. We are looking forward to another busy term. Our highlights will be a visit from Maidstone Museum for our Roman topic, making Roman catapults for a catapulting contest and exploring Light and Shadows in Science. We will also be building on our prior learning of the Ukuele and learning some new chords along to some well-known music.
PE days to be confirmed.
Term 3 - This term our whole school focus is Navigation.
In English, our focus for this term is ‘Sam Wu is Not Afraid of Ghosts.’ This is an adventure story about a boy that conquers all of his fears in a humorous manner. During the story, he acquires a pet snake so some of our learning will be focusing on non-fiction texts about snakes and unusual pets.
Maths - This term, our focus is on multiplication and division through grouping and sharing. We will be recapping our 2s, 5s and 10s with increasing speed and confidence whilst also learning our 3s, 4s and 8s using a range of methods. We will also be moving onto Length & Perimeter.
Please don't forget to also practise times-tables at home using TTRockstars.
Homework -
Ensure you listen to your child read each night and then sign the reading record.
TTRS - Children can use the Times Tables Rockstars app to learn their times tables. Practising little and often will help the children with learning their tables.
Atom - We have a few questions each week to help the children recap their learning.
EdShed - Practising the spellings using games will improve spellings and word knowledge - we set this weekly.
Completing homework will help children in their learning and reinforce knowledge and memory.
Birchwood Class:
Class Teacher: Mrs Tristram
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Roberts
Headingley Class:
Class Teachers: Mrs Moore & Mrs Cormode
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Adair